
Pedigree Generation


What is a Pedigree dog?

The general understanding of the term ‘pedigree dog’ is that this is a purebred dog (that has parents which are both of the same breed) recognised and registered by a Kennel Club e.g. COBA or with another Kennel Club recognised by us. so you will have a document(pedigree certificate) that shows your dog’s ancestry going back several generations.

Pedigree Generation is achieved using the COBA Studbook, a registry database where all ancestry and technical records of dogs in Nigeria are kept. Other Records such as Birth Notification, Physical Conformation, Health tests, Temperament tests, Championship titles etc. are recorded throughout the lifetime of the dog

The benefits of owning a dog registered with COBA

  • - You can obtain a pedigree certificate for your dog - a unique record detailing your dog's family tree recognized Worldwide
  • - You can be assured that parents of your dog have the DNA profile on record
  • - Your dog will be able to take part in shows and activities licensed by COBA
  • - Your dog will display the characteristics of the breed, in both looks and temperament
  • - You will be able to breed from your dog and register the puppies with COBA
  • - You can see the results from health tests (if submitted to us) for every pedigree dog we register
  • - You can independently verify the authenticity of your Pedigree Certificate by scanning the QR code on the Certificate