
Litter Notification

Litter/Birth Notification

What is Litter/Birth Notification?

Litter Notification also known as Birth Notification is a process a Breeder (owner of a Bitch) submit details of all puppies born from a litter – regardless of whether they will be sold with a view to be registered as pets, in any of the other registers, or had died for the purpose of registration. This is important for Studbook and breed development programmes
Birth Notification

Birth Notifications are submitted on the COBA Studbook, a feature only available to the Breeder Membership Plan

Only Breeders can submit birth notifications

The whole litter must be recorded simultaneously within 1-120 days after birth. The birth registration fee increases substantially for birth notifications received after 120 days.

A puppy will be registered only if the breeder has a signed Mating Certificate form the Stud Owner , both parents registered with COBA and their DNA profiles are on record, and it has been microchipped (number required). Without these information the registration (and transfer of ownership if applicable) will not be processed.

Birth Notification- Pups

The benefits of Birth Notification

  • - Each puppy receives a unique COBA Pedigree Certificate available on the COBA Studbook for download
  • - Records of birth (total number of pups born, number pups died) is kept
  • - Fulfills the fiduciary responsibility of the Breeder
  • - Breed Development Studies such a prevalence of Caesarean section can be carried out


To birth notify a litter, a member must own at least one COBA registered female, must be subscribed to a Breeder Membership Plan and have been allocated a unique Kennel Affix (prefix or suffix) name.

COBA requires - among others - that:
  • - Only healthy dogs be used for breeding.
  • - Breeding dogs are not younger than 12 (twelve) months of age.
  • - Breeding stock are tested for hereditary genetic diseases prior to breeding.
  • - Mating Certificate is generated on the COBA Studbook is submitted if the male used for stud services does not belong to the breeder.
  • - To obtain birth certificates of offsprings, DNA profiles of both parents are record, and such offspring have microchips, DNA profiled and Parentage Verified.
  • - Breeders ensure/undertake that buyers receive all documentation when dogs leave their premises. These include: birth notifications, transfer of ownership confirmation, inoculation, health and microchip certificates, the codes of conduct, a sales agreement, guarantees and transport or export permits - where applicable.

Prospective buyers should request proof from breeders that dogs have been – or will be - birth registered to ensure they will receive the required documentation, and be eligible for breeding at the qualifying age (12 months minimum).